Hilltop Presents at NASUA Membership Meeting
Hilltop Senior Research Analyst Ian Stockwell, M.A., gave a presentation entitled Data Integration in HCBS Program Development at the National Association of State Units on Aging 45th annual membership meeting in Denver, Colorado on September 23, 2009. The presentation discussed the potential that state policymakers now have to pull individual-level information together to form a complete picture of a program population through data integration. This method can provide a wealth of demographic and health status information for program building, as well as help predict service use, set appropriate individual budgets, and determine potential cost savings. Stockwell provided a brief overview of data sources currently available in most states; discussed the potential of new web-based information systems and provided a case study of a system currently in use; and discussed possible metrics and benchmarks, as well as some “best practices” on how to combine disparate datasets. To view the presentation, click here.
September 24, 2009